Thursday, January 16, 2020

Day 10- 01/15/2020

Just like any other one of the days, it was an adventure! We headed to The Price is Right bright and early this morning! When arriving on set it was very colorful and bright, which made the audience very lively! They also had very positive and energetic music to get people excited about the taping, and then continue to use that music between shots to keep that same energy throughout the whole show! There was also a woman who got the crowd up and cheering when needed and that helped the whole production become a little more seamless when it airs which I find very interesting! I was also relieved when they told us something went wrong with the mics and then proceeded to tell us about another taping when the lighting was off. As bad as that sounds, it’s nice to hear that even though this show has been running for so long, they still have those technical errors and that it can happen to anyone at any time!

This is important to the broadcasting major because it allows for people to have that maintained energy whether you’re in front of the camera or behind the camera due to the fact that it’s exciting to see the final outcome of the production so if you have that energy while doing the taping, it will help to relay that when the piece is aired. Then to top that all off, people will continue to watch the show more and more if that energy is high and kept at that level! The energy was high when we got there and even better when we left!

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