Thursday, January 16, 2020

Day 9- 01/14/2020

On today's excursion, we went to see the taping of Dr. Phil and go on the set of The Last Man standing. I learned a lot about the background production on both sets! On Dr. Phil's set, there were 7 cameras and each one of them had separate jobs. The one camera that caught my eye the most was the overhead crane camera. The operator was behind the crowd and moved the camera back and forth, left and right without any stutter. When a shot was over not just one camera moved to a new angle but for the most part, all of them did. The one that stayed the most consistent was the camera that was a close up of Dr. Phil himself. I was also very interested in this specific camera because it was not only right in front of us but you could see the work that the cameraman is doing as well. I noticed that they had a little screen on the side of the camera in black and white, at first I didn't know what it was for but then later learned that it is to see the shadows and contrasts of the shot, which I found quite cool. Then after the show, we got our picture taken on a very cool stage!

After having finished up on Dr. Phil set, we went to The Last Man Standing! Although we did get talked to about being millennials not laughing like a mad man at every joke, I did see a lot on what happens behind the scenes of this production! I noticed that most of the people behind the scenes were men and only a few women was there. They also had everyone watching the taping while on the set of MOM everyone was backstage and not really on the set besides the camera people. After talking to Symon Mink, I noticed that there are more people on camera rather than just the one person that I thought there was! After talking to these people in the industry, they have opened my eyes up a little more and I can see more of the production rather than just the outcome of the production. This is important for my major because the point behind this trip is to see what goes on behind the scenes in-depth rather than only seeing the main roles of the production process, and I have!

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