Saturday, January 11, 2020

Day 3- 01/08/2020

Today's adventure was my favorite out of the days we have been here so far! It was a well-mixed day of fun and learning. For the agenda this morning we went to Twitch studios where we met up with Robert (Our amazing tour guide) and he taught us a lot of the ins and outs of the studio. I learned that they are very engineering-based and are working every day to keep up and ahead of their competitors. We were also informed by Robert that twitch employees search for the best of the best students to work for their company. It was very interesting to see how some of the stuff behind the scenes of Twitch, just because you think of it as just an app or site that allows people to stream and you think that they do all the work when in reality none of that would be possible without the people behind the scenes that work with this company.

We also went on some Segways to end the day. This was a very cool experience because we got to tour the city while also had time to overview our days' activities. Just like the competitiveness of riding Segways against your friends, this corresponds with my major because it helps to show that this industry is a very competitive environment and if you want something you need to show out and go get it or else it will go to someone who worked harder and earned it!


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